My name is Kathleen, and I have been researching my family history since I was a child. I love to go into county courthouses and smell the old books and paper... or is it dust? This blog will focus on the stories I've heard over the years and the research methods I follow. I am particularly interested in data management and cloud genealogy.

Some of my personal areas of interest include Southern Maryland and DC (Robie, Rhodes, Grimes, Lindsey), NY state (Hill, Cookingham, Flynn, Rhodes, Skinner, Wheeler, Mead, Havens, Trotter), NJ (Parcell), North Carolina and Eastern TN (Lynch, Seabolt, Spears), MO (Wilcox, Kiddell), and CA (Simi, Grady)

I am always happy to compare notes or share my experiences, so please leave a comment!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

More civil war-era cartes de visite from St. Louis

Happy New Year!

Apropos of nothing, here are more photos from the Wilcox photo album that I wrote about last year.  Two of these images are labeled, and a Google search identified the individuals as popular actors from the 1860s.  Perhaps members of the Wilcox family were fond of the theatre...

One rogue California photo is also in the mix, but otherwise all images are from St. Louis and unfortunately none of them are identified.  One photo includes a revenue stamp, indicating that it was taken between 1864 and 1866, the period in which this tax was in effect.  For more on the subject of photographic taxes, see this post in the GenealogyBank blog.  Several items are not actual photographs, but popular CDVs containing sentimental images of animals and children.

Lester Wallack -- American Actor

Maggie Mitchell -- American Actress

rogue California photo, sorry!

Doesn't this guy look a lot like the man just below?

Two Little Fraid Cats Currier & Ives, New York: 2nd Half 19th Century

This was a very popular image in the 1860s

See another image of this gentleman, a few photos below

This is a second shot of the gentleman seen above

The green stamp indicates that this image was valued between 26-50 cents, and paid a 3 cent tax